Sunday, April 6, 2014

Emotion, Emotions and more Emoness

Even the title sounds depressing, doesn't it? One minute, I'm the happiest person alive but the next, I'm saddened or mad. Pregnancy is really an emotional roller coaster and I just have to brace it for the next few trimesters. There are time where I wish to be alone and not be bothered because I'm annoyed for no apparent or logical reason.

Week 6 and 7 has been probably the toughest week due to my constant traveling and stress from work. It doesn't help that I'm constantly tired from losing so much energy in the scorching sun. Oh the perks of living in South East Asia, I suppose. Don't get me wrong I love the warm climate, it's a lot more comfortable to sweat than freeze my tush off in the blistering winter.

Agitation is also a daily habit and I shouldn't be bothered by minute mistakes or the wrong thing my employees say but I can't help myself even if I used to be the most patient person. On the plus side I'm so glad I have my girlfriends to keep sane. You'd think your fiance is the most important person during your pregnancy, he really isn't. It's your girlfriends who will be there to support you at every little step and milestone.

My next appointment with Mr. Ng, my gynecologist is next week so I'm super excited and a tiny bit nervous. I guess the only way to keep myself sane is to not over think or have any expectation.

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